Sunday, May 08, 2005


Screened Giver
(Written when someone wrote poetry for me...)

We are the givers
That enjoyed while giving
That were isolated
That were traumatized
That succumbed to isolation
That didn't enjoy giving
And was not given in the end

I am the one enjoying
The one who stirred effortlessly
The one who went away
The one who was preyed upon by fear
The one who stayed far
The one who stirred with effort
I am the one who's missing

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Haiku of the Burned Firefly
(Written when I realized that my life is near wasted...)

The blooming firefly
Flew to where the fire burns hot
It died flying high


Haiku of the Moaning
(Written when my deltoids were aching...)

I’m here all alone
Waiting for someone to fetch
This body, I moan